Questions Regarding Makeup

What types of absences are there?

School excused:  Absences for school activities that are verified by school administration.

Parent excused:  Absences for illness, doctor’s appointments, and family needs, etc. that are communicated by the student’s parent or guardian.

Unexcused: Absence that is not excused by the school or the student’s parent or guardian.

What type of absences do I need to makeup?

Students are required to makeup all unexcused absences and any excused absences that drop them below 75% attendance for the term.  For example if there are 22 days in the term, a student would need to attend at least 17 of the class days.  17/22=77%.

How do I excuse an absence?

Have your parents contact your seminary teacher.

Why can’t I give service/bring my class cookies/read the New Era/etc for makeup work?

When makeup work is required it is given to bless and not punish the student.  We have been asked to have makeup work be related to the work missed.  If you missed class when Doctrine and Covenants 4 was taught, you will be asked to make up Doctrine and Covenants 4.